Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So to the drawing board I go…

Ok…so last week I talked about the fact that my brain NEVER turns off. I am always thinking about someone or something; and sometimes that “something” is static. A great gal (katdoesdiets @ mentioned that maybe I needed to “work towards a new goal?”. I admit, I kind of scoffed at her because my 1st thought was “I have set goals!” But after thinking about it (over and over again) I realized that she could very well be right. I have no new goals. And the “goals” I have set were written about a year ago. And to be honest, I haven’t re-evaluated them lately (and wonder if I ever did). A while back on “A Journey to a New Me…” I posted 20 wishes that I consider goals (of which I have only completed one-compete in ½ marathon) but I have yet to post specific goals as they relate to my true journey (on improving my “Mind, body, and soul”).

I started this blog as a bit of a journal; to document my thoughts on improving my “Mind, body, and soul”. My journey is about improving how I view myself as well as how I view things that I let into my system (words, food, emotions). It’s not just about changing my weight but changing how I let that weight accumulate on my body. Some of the things I have posted is that I want to improve my self-esteem, find that fearlessness I used to have, find courage, and discover who I really truly am.

Last summer (summer of July 2009) I wrote down a few goals on a pad of paper. They were:

· to be 150 lbs by July 8, 2010 (which at the time was do-able-my starting weight was 215 and I am now at 212)

· run/jog 3 miles a day 4x a week by 12/31/10 (thank the heavens I still have time to work at this as I can only jog 1.5 miles at a time and I don’t do it 4x a week) BTW I currently WALK 3 miles a day 4x a week

· 30 mins on the treadmill 4x wk @ work 1x on weekend (too broad—30 mins of what on the treadmill?)

· Travel around the block (.5 miles) 2x a day w/dog (we do this 3x plus a day—he likes to walk)

I realize now that I have not held myself accountable, nor have a set specifics on how I planned on achieving any of theses goals. I also didn’t include the mental and emotional goals I have for myself for improving nor did I WRITE THEM DOWN. Yes I assumed I had good intentions but if I am unclear on what I’m working towards how can I go “all in” and give it my all?

As Ralph Marston (at">) says “Real, solid, unwavering commitment brings the power of purpose to what you're doing. Be truly committed, and it happens.”

So to the drawing board I go...

1 comment:

  1. I need to take the advice you were given, too. I am in the process of doing a self-overhaul, too, but really only focus on the physical goals I have.

    But, you HAVE reached some of your goals, so be proud! I certainly have not done a half-marathon!
