Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No more excuses, Livin off the bucket list...

Just like on this "season's" Biggest Loser, NO MORE EXCUSE's! If I want to do something, I'm gonna make it happen. Just like a weekend away from home. Involving fast cars and hotels and no dogs. So I went. This last weekend. Of course I'd been planning the trip since the first of the year so technically it wasn't "off the cuff" but I went none the less. I had wavered about going because the hubs isn't big on travel and wouldn't be accompanying me. But I really wanted to go; my girlfriend from VA was going and so was her mom. Can you say "girls weekend"? Can you guess where I went? Here's a clue...

It was frickin awesome. It was also filled with chaos (Rain delay that caused me to have to rebook my flight and to stay up 30 hrs) but worth every moment and dime.  Which brings me to my post title "No more excuses, Livin off the bucket list". I've always wanted to go to a nascar race. Even tried once before but one reason after another and I didn't go. And believe it or not I've always wanted to stay in an airport "after hours" waiting for the gates to open (I think it's the writer in me).  But in the past when an opportunity was presented I made excuse after excuse as to why I couldn't do it (often the excuses invovled money or "what would others think" or I'm too weak).

But not this time.  Even when I was worried about the hubs I arouse to the opportunity. I just can't continue to live in fear, regret, what ifs, and I wish I had.  Been there done that. And the hubs understands this. And LOL he doesn't want to be the "it's all your fault" scape goat.  Of course he's an understanding guy who trusts me and has never attempted to hold me back (or down) when it comes to spreading my wings. Matter of fact he has said a time or two "why don't can do it."

And I think thats what's helping me leave fear behind. It's nice. now if I could leave the last 30 pounds behind! :O)

Have a great rest of the week. I'm going to work on the results post for the virtual 5k and hope to have it up tomorrow but it will probably be Friday. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I did it I did it

Did my virtual 5k run (detailed post to come next week when everyone has completed)...and I finished in
Go me!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And life goes on....

Short post this week...not much going on...ok well kind of a lot but not all is "Fantastic".  The last couple of weeks have felt like "Ground Hogs Day" with Bill Murray; me as Bill Murray's part. I'm thankful that I go on vacation next week. With the girls. My first vacation since 2006. My first with out my hubs since 1999. Long over due. Before my vacation can start though I have to go for a "Diagnostic Mammogram, Ultra Sound, and Magnification view" of my left breast. Yeah, I said breast. Today I had my yearly "fun exam", with a new doctor. My last doctor I never saw, only her nurse practionare (sp?), who never did a very extensive exam nor really had time to do an "ask and tell" session. Oh wait, once she did and wanted to prescribe antidepressants.  Hence a new doctor.  And this one ACTUALLY listened to me and did a full exam. Obviously a full exam if he felt a lump. A lump I felt too. So we will see. It's weird. I've not been feeling "AWESOME" to the tenth power lately but today I feel at peace.

OK...on to perkier things.  Don't forget, if you interested there is still time to join us in the Tori's Febtastic 1st Annual Virtual 5k Fun Run/Walk just follow the link and leave me a note.  I'm super stoked...this weekend is supposed to be "to die for" (not literally) weather wise so I'm hittin the trails and smoke checkin my last 5k time. I'm aiming for 37 mins. Have a great rest of the week and wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tori's Febtastic 1st Annual Virtual 5k Fun Run/Walk

In honor of February and my attempt to run/jog/walk one 5k a month I present to you

Tori's Febtastic 1st Annual Virtual 5k fun Run/Walk

because I couldn't find a 5k in the area I wanted to do (nor did I have the funds to really do an organized sponsored one anyhow).  But just because I'm trying to do one 5k a month doesn't mean that this is strickly a 5k....cuz it isn't.  Here are the rules/guidelines:

1) Between February 12th and February 29th take one day and call it "Febtastic 1st Annual Virtual fun Run/Walk".  There is no minimum amount to run/walk...just do something and make it fun! (oh and make sure to comment here or email me what you plan to do).

2) You don't HAVE to take a photo (although if you do I'd love to see it) of your watch/pedometer/treadmill to verify your time and distance BUT you do have to brag about it by giving it a post of its own on your blog.

3) email me when you are finished.

That's it...pretty simple...hopefully not to simple though. On or after March 1st I will do a post with everyone's results and hand out awards.... :O)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Virtual 5k in February?

Are there any virtual 5ks during February that I missed seeing? if no do any of you want to do a virtual 5k with me? I'm a weenie and don't want to do a 5k by myself....

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's not good to want to be someone else but

it's ok to "aspire" to look like someone else right? I'm not talking about their "exact size" (because I would look like a skelton if I were smaller than a size 8) or their smashing good looks (cuz hey, I ain't hard to look at when I put my face on!) but the confidence and sexiness they exude to the public.  Case in point....

Katherine Heigl and her most recent role...

One for the Money

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to the living...

Been sick (cold flu) for the last two was the first day I really felt "alive". I'm glad it's pretty much over (being sick) because I've got to get my ass in gear! One of the gals in my building asked me about running a few months back (she did the New Years Day run with me) and was actually serious about running! You know how it goes, people say that they are interested in something when they really aren't and it shows in their actions. Well she keeps saying let's do it again AND got some new running shoes!
And now....we've signed up for two more races. I told her how I wanted to do one 5k a month and two 1/2 marathons this and my big mouth!! :O) Actually, I'm loving it! Also, two of my neighbors have shown an interest in walking even comes with me to walk the dogs (the long mile).

woot woot...Life feels good doesn't it!? finding inspiration from the darnedest places....