Thursday, January 14, 2010

OK...I did it...and I have no regrets...

Well I did it. And I didn't even really think about it before I said yes. It had been a fleeting thoughts months back but I've gone and done it. I have signed up for a 1/2 marathon. 13.2 fun filled miles with thousands of others I don't know. Thankfully I will know 2 of the other marathoners (one of which is my best pal who I encouraged to join me--we're like Lucy and Ethel). Anyhow, the marathon is on April 11th; 86 days from now. I've printed off a training scheudule for us, purchased some shin "thingies" (to help compress the legs/calves and avoid shin splints which I am prone too), and have ordered some new running shoes. We've been walking for months, now we just have to work ourselves up to a jog. I'm super stoked about this goal and look forward to the challenge.


  1. I am so excited to be the first commenter AND first follower on your blog! I am sure you will have many more in the days/weeks/months to come. Congratulations for signing up! I have promised a friend of mine that I would do a half marathon in the spring, but I am still (safely) unsigned up just in case I can't get ready in time. I know, I am terrible, and I should follow in your foot steps and just freakin' sign up!

  2. P.S. I am very excited to some day come back and post "I was there in the beginning! And look how far you have come!" :)

  3. Whoo! Congrats on signing up. I'm so excited for you. I have been wanting to do one for so long, but just haven't made an effort just yet. I think you just inspired me to sign up :)

  4. I'm a fellow weight-loss blogger and I enjoy reading other blogs as's good to know I'm not alone! I'm thinking about signing up for a marathon in the end of March. I think when you make a commitment like that, you have no choice but to get in shape! Best of luck with your training, keep us updated!

  5. Thank you everyone for reading my post and giving me a good pep-talk (I've been wavering). As I am sure you all know-weight loss isn't easy and takes more than "I'm gonna do it." This 1/2 marathon is a huge commitment and Julie is right-I have no choice but to get in shape (food wise and exercise wise).
