Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tori's Tuesday Tidbits

I can still jog a mile without stopping even though I haven’t jogged since April 2011. #ouchmylegshurt

I’ve resorted to squirting the puppy with a water bottle; it’s the only way to get him to stop nipping/biting Fredbird! #soannoying

I’m SO excited that fall is upon us. #lovemysweaters

I’m “ever so slightly” nervous about telling my folks we are not coming for the holidays…I’m boycotting going ANY WHERE (even the in laws) for Thanksgiving and Christmas (unless it’s to volunteer at the food pantry). #tiredofonewayroads

Yes, it REALLY is ALL about ME; just ask me I won’t lie to you. #imfullofshitcan’tyoutell

A good friend of mine is coming this weekend from VA…#soexcited.


  1. Whoo hoo on the mile, and I'm enjoying the little taste of fall we've had. I like summer, but boy is running a lot more fun in the fall!

    Good luck with the whole holiday thing. I don't blame you AT ALL and am a bit jealous.

  2. good for you! about time you put yourself first! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love Fredbird!!!!
