Thursday, January 15, 2015

And so it begins....

I'm working very hard (mentally) at remembering how LUCKY (Blessed) I am....There are so many others who have endured worse things than I have. I'm lucky enough to live in a country that allows me freedom to do most anything; as long as I put my mind to it. Which is why I've opted to follow/particpate/incorporate into my life the"101 things to do in 1001 days".  Sure the task IS intense. But for some odd, f'd up reason, for me it's a "manageable" intense.  It doesn't overwhelm me and gives me plenty of time to do the items WITHOUT having to set specific dates for each task.  I think that this list (or at least some of the list) might even be considered "goals".  I dunno...but it "spoke to me" and feels right. And that's what's important. 

I've "organized" the list better; putting health related under one header, professional under another, and so on.  Some "things" had to be re-written. One was dropped (it was too similar to another item). As I complete an item I'll edit the list to show details...and even though I'm doing this "on a whim, as I feel compelled"; a few items on the list are already scheduled to be started/completed:
  • tonight is Hot Yoga class (possibly an exercise class I normally wouldn't take but most definitely a means to an end with becoming flexible enough to touch my toes)
  • I learned a new task at work yesterday (how to search for financial totals so I don't have to bother the main office for the info); 
  • Success School scheduled for Aug 2015; 
  • Networking event Feb 3 (tupperware if anyone is interested in going); 
  • Sent emails out to hunt down the POC for Special Olympics Torch Run
  • downloaded a new book to read (The Courage to be Yourself: The Magic of Daring Greatly Enough to Become Who You Were Born)


  1. Look at you chipping away at that list! I hope it doesn't mean that there will be less puppy pictures :)

  2. Hey, for your "ride the katy trail" item, there's a DNR-sponsored ride of the whole thing over a week in June. I did it twice. Great people, great support, wonderful experience.

  3. wonderful! sounds like it's gonna be just the thing to motivate you and keep you going!
