Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wow...I'm such a slacker these days!

I'm such a slacker. I'm not sure where time went but the year is almost over.  And while I accomplished a lot on my 'to do list' I didn't accomplish the main thing I wanted to and that's to be in better physical shape AND be at goal weight. Then again I'm thinking (as I type this)  'did I get that specific on my to do list in regards to wieght? Did I write out how I want to accomplish those goals?'  Guess I'll need to make sure I am very specific with my weight and physical goals this year; as specific as I was with my reading and 5k goals. 

More later...when I got it all written out. I just can't believe the year is almost over!!!


  1. I've been stymied by my monthly weight goals, which are reminding me why I set my athletic goals as "participate" rather than time goals. But hey, maybe I'll catch the flu again and lose enough to meet my Dec goal. :)

    Looking forward to hearing yur recap!

  2. Good to see you back, can't wait to hear what's been going on with you.
