is getting so much easier! I'll be honest with you...I had a 'hypnotherapy' session at the end of January. Per Wikipedia, Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy used to create
subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts,
attitudes, behaviors or feelings. While many may (and will) poo-poo the process, I am ALWAYS open try different things. I don't like being stuck and SURELY there is something out there that will get me moving in the right direction. Sure it isn't "cheap" but neither is Weight Watchers, a monthly gym membership, or home work out equipment. Of course, one useful hypnotherapy session is way cheaper than an unused membership. Besides, if you plan it just right you will get a coupon like I did. Normally the cost is $99...
Hypnotherapy (like many other "wellness related options") is NOT a cure all and you will NOT wake up a "completely transformed" person. BUT I have noticed a HUGE, POSITIVE, difference. I left the session feeling peaceful, confident, like I COULD conquer my demons. By the way, I didn't go to "lose weight" or "quit smoking". Like I told the guy-I know what I'm supposed to do to be successful at that. I know how to eat right; I know how to exercise; and I know how to not buy cigs. I just don't seem to have the umpfff; just can't seem to get my ass off the couch; can't seem to rid myself of doubt. I said if I can "fix" that everything else will fall into place.
It was money well spent. Negative Nancy seems to have left the building (I still have moments of disappointment but it isn't "internal disappointment" and I'm learning to not hold onto the "feelings" associated with the disappointment by using a positive self pep talk (ie "let it go; move on; not your monkey/not your circus") to lighten my mental state. I've noticed that I've been much more active (more yoga and walking) and less "oh I'll work out tomorrow".
As I sign off for the moment...I leave you with a lil "pug" mojo I'm learning to live by...
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