Sunday, March 31, 2013

Half Marathon Training starts Tomorrow!!

I've decided to go to Philly in Sept and participate in the Philly R&R Half Marathon.  I've never done the R&R series and I honestly can't say I'm excited about "that part" (so many people participate in that series) but I am excited about training and going to the city of "Brotherly Love". I'm also excited about meeting up with some twitter peeps, site seeing, and visiting family and friends. But first thing first...I must tell the hubs my plan. He's never excited when I travel but he's as supportive as he can be. That probably sounds bad but the jest of it is: he doesn't get running and training for races (especially ones out of the area). Thankfully he would never tell me no, you can't do that.

I'm going to follow the Hal Higdon plan...I've got 6 months so I'm going to the Novice 1 for the first 3 months then move onto the Novice 2 program for the next 3 months. I will only be doing two paid 5ks between now and then to conserve on funds (and sock away funds for the trip east).  Ideally I'd love to find some travel running buddies (hint hint) but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

I start the next Dietbet Challenge Monday and still need to set up my goals for the first week.  Obvious goals are:
  1. 96% of water (nothing added)
  2. 3 pieces of fruit a day
  3. 1 hr of exercise four days a week
I need to consider some mental goals as well.  Changes don't just happen; you have to make them happen and if you brain and heart aren't on the same page changes won't "stick".

1 comment:

  1. Dropping grains made a HUGE difference for me. Not easy to start, but not hard to keep it up once you get it figured out (the what CAN you eat part).

    I totally get the deal with your husband. I have one of those too. I'll talk and talk about something coming up, and then when I'm leaving the house (bc he's gone like 3 times in 5 years) he'll ask, "Now is this a ride or a run? Are you racing?" I guarantee my fb and blog friends (and children) could far better tell you what I have going on than he could.
