Sunday, March 31, 2013

Half Marathon Training starts Tomorrow!!

I've decided to go to Philly in Sept and participate in the Philly R&R Half Marathon.  I've never done the R&R series and I honestly can't say I'm excited about "that part" (so many people participate in that series) but I am excited about training and going to the city of "Brotherly Love". I'm also excited about meeting up with some twitter peeps, site seeing, and visiting family and friends. But first thing first...I must tell the hubs my plan. He's never excited when I travel but he's as supportive as he can be. That probably sounds bad but the jest of it is: he doesn't get running and training for races (especially ones out of the area). Thankfully he would never tell me no, you can't do that.

I'm going to follow the Hal Higdon plan...I've got 6 months so I'm going to the Novice 1 for the first 3 months then move onto the Novice 2 program for the next 3 months. I will only be doing two paid 5ks between now and then to conserve on funds (and sock away funds for the trip east).  Ideally I'd love to find some travel running buddies (hint hint) but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

I start the next Dietbet Challenge Monday and still need to set up my goals for the first week.  Obvious goals are:
  1. 96% of water (nothing added)
  2. 3 pieces of fruit a day
  3. 1 hr of exercise four days a week
I need to consider some mental goals as well.  Changes don't just happen; you have to make them happen and if you brain and heart aren't on the same page changes won't "stick".

Thursday, March 28, 2013

2nd times a charm

Ever heard of dietbet? Yea...I'd heard of it only from the news and was a lil intrigued.  But just over 4 weeks ago I saw on twitter an invite to dietbet game held by the priorfatgirls bloggie folks. So I joined. I was supposed to lose 4% of my current weight (8.2) within 28 days.  28 days ends today, weigh is in tomorrow. Yea well, if you go by weight loss it was a big fail for me. And I considered not ever doing it again. Until I open minded thought about it. I may not have lost a lot of weight but I did gain motivation.  I built the treadstation and have been walking steadily since. Hey, I even did a virtual 10k and 5k.

So I'm giving it another shot. If you're interested in giving it a shot here is the link

Another thing I have taken from this challenge is that planning is key.  I had started "really" planning half way thru the 1st challenge and that just doesn't cut it.  Too little too late. So this time around I'm going the pen and paper route NOW. tracking food, water, exercise...and weekly goals vs for the month.  I also know that while fruits are good, moderation for certain fruits is key.  I was having too much of the sweeter fruits (pineapple, honey dew, peaches) and it was not helping. I need to figure out some quick easy lunches that are both filling and healthy.  I know that black beans, canned tomatoes, and plain tuna is good but I need to make sure I have a variety. Snacks are also a lil tricky but I think I'm just going to have to "fake it till I make it". WHich is fine, it's my life story.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Changes are in the why is it still snowing!?

Wow...went out for my Jelly Bean virtual Speed Photo Walking 10k Saturday and it was like this...

And then yesterday...the clouds opened up and did this...

WTF? Check please...I need to leave now before I get snowed in! I'm just thankful that I did the 10k on Saturday cuz 6 miles on the treadmill not so nice right now.

Last week I signed up for a beginners photography class...taught by a local professional photographer...and the class meets at the zoo.  The class is supposed to help me get more familiar and comfortable with my new camera.  I've read the manual and let's just say that my eyes glassed over.  Sadly the class is not until May 4th...

I'm watching the Voice while typing this and walking on the treadie...Adam L. is just soooo friggin hot. so so hot.

Ok...the Jelly Bean virtual Speed Photo Walking 10k went very well. I was a bit surprised at my pace for walking (about 4.9 mph). I knew I wasn't up for running but I knew I needed "influence" which is why I turned it into Speed Photo Walking. You've heard of speed dating right? Well, speed photo walking is similar except I didn't "stop" to take photos. I walked really fast and snapped away....and I got some really nice photos. Sadly when you are walking a trail you don't always see anything different and the photo's all begin to look alike.  But I did get some nice scenery shots...

My legs are still hurting in certain areas (hips) but it's only temporary. I'm glad that I am finally up and moving. Now if I could just be more accepting of how I look right now and remember that I am working towards being healthier. And remember that even when the scale doesn't move it doesn't mean I should give up and start eating shit. I've been eating really well lately, lots of veggies and fruits.  I've been drinking more water too...but sadly it doesn't look like I will make my 4% goal for the dietbet. Too little too late I supposed. Had I became more active right at the beginning I may have met my goal. I don't know...I can only speculate. and I'm trying not to be sad about it.  I don't want a quick fix; I want a permanent fix. Something that may help me avoid a heart attach, stroke, diabetes, etc etc.

I would like to become more active in my goal setting...and that will take confidence. I would also like to work on making these healthy changes more second nature (which I think they are, food wise)...always a work in progress ya know. Building confidence and taking charge..."driving your own car towards your destiny". Being accountable and knowing when to forgive. Harboring no anger; embracing challenge.

treadstation workout I'm up to  2.6 mph when typing; 3.0 while reading. Have a great week.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Drawing a blank....

My brain is not here right now...kindly leave a message and it will get back to you when it decides to return.

I had so much on my mind earlier...ok maybe not but I was so looking forward to coming into my girl cave and walking on my treadstation while typing away.  I have managed to read a few blog posts of others and leave comments so not all is lost.

Did I ever tell you about my girl cave? A place I created in our not so climate controlled sunroom...a place I can hide, watch tv, read or exercise (there's a stationary bike in here too). it also has my crapbooking stash and the of my mom and some sports memorabilia. It also houses my curio cabinet with wedding stuff.  For such a small room there's a lot of things in here and isn't smothering! OH there is an end table and a wicker loveseat I snuck inside when the hubs wasn't looking.

Anyhow...a quiet place for me to hang out.  Hubs rarely comes to the door...I think he knows better. Besides baseball season is upon us and he won't miss me which is fine because I'm still diggin this treadstation...I'm up to 2.5 mph and typing. Not as quickly as before BUT still typing. Now to find my words!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Miscellaneous things...I think...

GReat blog post here about intuitive eating. Many of us struggle with food and emotional eating. Learning to change habits and come to terms with the when, why, how can be overwhelming.

I TOTALLY LOVE my treadmill workstation. If you need to learn how to do one GOOGLE "make my own treadmill workstation"...tons of ideas...many different..surely there is one to fit your situation. Hell there may even be a bike workstation out there!!  I'm up to 2.3 AND typing. YEs, I rule!

It's Mid March and the weather is still cold. I'm celebrating the cold by watching (listening to) one of my favorite movies: Miracle on 34th St. It seriously NEVER gets old. I'm amazed!! (considering my attention span).

I completely forgot what I was really going to blog about...I'm hoping it will come to me...oh yes, there it is...I need help....bad.

I don't know how to have a real conversation. As in I see you in store, you try to strike up conversation, I stand there like idiot. I'm serious. No lie. I don't know what to do or how to fix it. I just don't know how to hold up my end of the bargain. I get so nervous and then my tongue swells up. Then I get frightened. Then I run (hence when where the term "fright n flight" comes from). It's kind of funny because when I was a teen you couldn't shut me up. Boys boys boys....what I was going to do when I "grew up". What clothes I wanted and who I wanted to go with. Sad. Now you can barely get my name out of me before I become a fraidy cat. I should take an improv class. I sucked at speech years ago...the instructor was cute-what can I say.

any ideas?

Monday, March 18, 2013

treadmill and internet time

ok first, before I forget, what the hell is bloglovin?

I'm walking, typing, and watching the very end of Biggest Loser.  Dang...Da girl won by one pound! Year of the women...That Gina? lady won the at home and then Danni the big prize. Maybe it's a sign...year of the women? Or maybe it's always been the year of the woman and we are just now standing up and taking our just desserts?

I really dig this treadmill workstation set up. Sadly this is the first time I've used it since setting it up.  I've had some kind of weird head thing going on...not sure if it's sinus/allergy or a cold.  I've been treating it like both and taken a lot of crap in an attempt to rid myself of it. I can finally breathe again and not have to blow my nose every two minutes. Of course now something is giving me hella gas...very nice...not!! Oh so smelly gas ugh.

Now that I'm feeling better I would appreciate if the weather would cooperate! Opening day is like 2 weeks away and I am not looking forward to being wet and pretending to be happy for 6 hrs.  Hubs LOVES opening day festivities and I REALLY want to make it a pleasurable trip for him...I can be such a downer when I'm grumpy (grumpy because I'm cold and wet).  I would also like to get outside more and walk the trails.  I didn't use to mind going out when it was cold and wet but dang...this last winter just didn't do it for me. 

alright so no real ideas are coming to me. Have a great week.

And before I go I'll leave you with another picture taken from the new camera...

My lil man Fredbird...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

and the award goes to...

the Internet...formally known as the world wide web...for allowing me (and many others) to search for GENIUS items that make our lives easier. Or saves us from selling usable items because we never made them work to our advantage.

So friggin GENIUS...combining two things I LOVE...walking and working on the Internet. I come up with some GENIUS ideas while walking.  And now I can type them as I walk.

not the most beautiful work station (yet) but I do love it more than my work workstation.  Why did I not think of this sooner? So many blog posts I've missed writing because I didn't have a piece of paper or pen!!

And I'm at a 2.0 mph. Remember earlier this week I was  only at 1.3. and the workstation is removable for when I can jog again. too fluffy right now to jog.

Monday, March 11, 2013

how fast can you walk and type?

Trying something new today...I must be the queen of multitasking (even though studies say multitasking is not as efficient as once claimed) I am walking on my treadmill will attempting to type on my computer. I can tell you right now that I need to clip my nails. The dogs are looking at me "like really? We sleep on the couch until you have to go to work!!"

Anyhow...I knew I had to do something about being so "sedentary" while at home and why not try and type on my blog and walk (at least until I can re-make walking a habit). So far I have walked a quarter of a mile at a 1.3 pace. yes...that's slow. BUT I am walking...I know...sad.

Ok, trip to DC done. Had safety officer training; a two day training which one day was canceled due to snow. Figures that a place that has never canceled classes due to snow before has to cancel a day when I get there. They crammed two days into one and I'm thankful for the cd they sent with us. I now know that my office has a few violations that I need to correct. I enjoyed my trip even missing a day of training because I got to hang out with my sister from another mister and eat sushi till I busted at the seems. I also racked up some frequent flier miles in which I can exchange for short magazine subscriptions. Doesn't take much to please me.

My trip to Daytona the week before training was fun.  Would have been more fun had I not had to switch hotels so often.  Not too sure why my friend wanted to have two diff hotels to start with (which ended up being 3 due to a roach in our room EEWWW) BUT I'm taking over hotel reservations for next year. Matter of fact I've taken over the itinerary.  I need structure.  period.

which is what I've learned from my jet setting experiences these last few weeks. Itineraries, structure, organization are ALL my friends. And I enjoy their company. I'm not sure how I am going to keep myself in's so easy to stray while at home. How do you folks stay on task/schedule? surely there is a "secret" you'd like to share???  Some things I have discipline for, others not so much. and time management is one of those "not so much". 

Haven't had much time to play with camera...the few pictures I've taken though are wonderful!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Busy bust lazy lazy

Sadly, nothing really exciting to report. Ok well a couple of things. I splurged on a camera (Sony a57) and my annual trip to Daytona just took place. I totally love the camera and I'm already working on next years daytona a trip. Now I'm gettin ready to go to DC for work. I started a dietbet contest last week and have to lose 9 lbs by the 28th.  Totally do able. Of course it will require me to get off my duff. I've only signed up for one 5k so far this year but am considering a  half marathon in October (des Moines). There is a 3 race event schedule in the area I nines to get signed up for (2 5ks and a bike event). Oh and I just remembered two virtual races (jellybean virtual with 'run with jess' ). Cardinals baseball starts soon and so will my volunteer stuff. Which means busy busy.

Ok-gotta run. Have a great week.