Yesterday I started a post about not having an issue being/acting/reintroducing fearlessness into my life. Long and short of it, I wrote that my issue was actually that I wasn't living life with a "can do" attitude and more specifically that I lacked motivation. True motivation, not "gettin by" by the skin of my teeth kind of motivation. I don't even think I had the energy to ask myself why. I just thought "holy shit life is passing by and I'm letting it." WTF. "Make a plan and stick to it!"
Sure I can talk a good game (ok these days I really don't talk but in my mind I talk). There is an old saying that you can't bullshit a bullshitter. And there is a time and place for bullshitting....just not when you're trying to get things done. And by things I mean finances in order, healthy living in check, active life style, confidence pouring from my being! "It" just isn't clicking. Or at least since this premenopause "happened" "things" just seem so out of sorts and or over whelming! I often don't feel like I have a handle on things. And I know that I often put too much pressure on myself but I'm a "type a" person and I HAVE to be in control. I just have to (yes I know this isn't a realistic out look but that's how I get).
So I woke up this morning. Post not posted; words still lingering. That "I've got to do something to improve my situation right now!" And I did. I think. I jumped both feet in. I did something that Dave Ramsey would probably not approve of. Instead of several payments I will have just one. I contacted the bank and applied for a three year loan to cover all my credit card debts. I was doing "ok" paying small bills off, closing the card and moving on to the next. But I often felt as if I would never get to "the money in the bank for a rainy day (which would lead to spending)" feeling. And I wasn't always holding myself accountable and still basically living beyond my means. I don't want to live like that I deserve better.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I'm so scared I could shit a brick; literally; all joking aside. I'm shitting because I had a few options for paying back the loan and I took three years and not the four years which would have been a hundred dollars less a month. BUT I have to make this work. I've not left myself any options (signed, sealed delivered thanks to technology). I left myself with just enough "left over" (after my portion of the mortgage/utilities and loan) for gas and neccessity groceries and a small "entertainment" fund if I so choose. Thankfully I have a husband that I can say "we need yada yada yada from the grocery store" and he will happily retrieve (What's a good dollar amount set aside for groceries (two people)?). I am worried about savings BUT if I don't spend my "allowance" (by the way, what is a good $ amount for an allowance) I can sock that aside. thankfully I should be getting a raise in Oct but even if I don't I'll be ok paying back and in three years I will be debt free. I do hope though that I can get a part time know...just in case I f'd myself by moving so fast. I mean surely I left myself enough, I'm not that stupid am I? I mean really, I have EVERYTHING I need and I SHOULD put the majority of my funds towards paying off my debt so that now "I can live like no other so that later I can live like no other." I'll just have to think before I buy. Which is what I should have been doing to begin with. I also maybe should have tracked my spending a lil better so that I could verify that I was keeping enough back before checking the box stating I know this is a binding contract. I'm sure I did. Family just won't get anything extravigant for Christmas...if they get anything at all!!!
Love it - I also struggle with this A LOT! I've never really put my feet to the fire but now that you have, I feel like I should, too!
ReplyDeleteLOL I seem to be better at "all or nothing"; very empowering!
Deletei allow myself $20 a week for a discretionary fund! one word of caution i hope you closed all those accounts you paid off. cause if you kept em open just in case that's dangerous! i think thrift is a wonderful lifestyle and i've made it a game to see how far i can go on as little as possible. i have a GREAT book that goes into detail about the concept of thrift. it's called the complete tightwad gazzette by amy dacyczyn. i got a new hardback for $10 on ebay after i kept giving away my paperback copies to friends! lol and the best part most libraries have or can get it so you can try it for free before you invest any money in it! now i'm gonna have to reread it cause i get sooooooo excited about the concept! good luck darlin you CAN do it!
ReplyDeleteI have started closing accounts. as they show $0 bal on the screen I click the links that say "to close your account please click here". very great feeling. I'll be posting the cut up cards soon. After the initial "OH Crap" I'm at peace and very happy with my decision. 3 yrs to zero debt.
DeleteWow, way to go for it! I'm sure it's scary and exhilarating all at the same time. I so admire your commitment to this goal...I talk a good game but lack the follow-through. Pulling for you!
ReplyDeleteand I admire your commitment to your adventures (go Team Virtuous!)!! I talk a great game with half marathons, running but my heart hasn't found it's way back!
DeleteFirst of all, smart move on the loan. REALLY smart move. I had to do the same thing a few years ago. And eventually, it actually took me like 5 years, I got it paid off. And it felt so good. i struggle with saving too. I'm pretty much a '0' balance in the account kind of person. I just buy....anything. but I'm slowly starting to turn that around.
ReplyDeleteJust keep working at it.
BTW, I think I spend about $300/month on groceries, give or take. And it's just 2 of us. But I buy a ton of veggies too.
I really appreciate everyone's input and support...I was scared shitless at first. Now that I'm calmer I know it's going to be ok and in 3 yrs instead of paying of debt I can start saving for a trip to Ireland...woohoo
DeleteGood luck with the new plan to be debt free! It sounds like a wonderful idea and sometimes we all need to be backed into a corner where the only option is just to stick to the limits we set for ourselves.
ReplyDeleteLOL well I definetly put myself in a corner! BUt it's all good...I do know how to budget so I just have to refamiliarize myself with the process!
DeleteWe are so working towards getting debt free. Can't wait. Keep up the great work and stay focused!
ReplyDeleteThanks Joy! I shocked myself at first but I'm good to go now and ready to push full force!! Good luck to you too!!!