Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Learning to count my blessings....

I realized this morning that I worry too much about what I THINK I don't have.

Time to focus on what I do KNOW I have...and that is a loving husband, good health, friends and family who love and care for me and endless possibilities for the future!


  1. Amen, sister! It's sure easy to get caught up in all the other stuff, though.

    1. yes, unfortunately it was way too easy to get caught up in the "other stuff". Stuff that has no name, you can't put your finger on it, "just missing something." HOpe you are doing well with everything; especially grad school!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes...and they hit at the darndest times! :O) but at least I recognized it this time!

  3. Amen! It's all about what we think and focus on. :) Not always easy to do but with practice it gets easier. I'm practicing that myself!


    1. Yes, exactly! No more doom and gloom and worrying about things that don't yet exist. It's important to think about the future but to constantly focus on "I'm missing something, surely there's more to life, why do I feel like this!" is a waste of precious time.
