Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When life give you lemons, you make lemonade. BUT....

When life gives you limes what do you do?

1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?

Seriously…Not much. I’ve written up a few more 3 x 5 cards (and what a shock the totals were-and I’d already eaten the food!); I jogged/walked 4 days, one of the days jogging WITHOUT STOPPING the whole 2.6 miles; I signed up for a 5k but it won’t take place until after the challenge is done. It’s weird because I know how to set goals but I don’t always know how to dedicate appropriate time to achieving those specific goals in a specific amount of time…I tend to make the goals, work towards them but then create more before completing the first set. I did watch my tongue a lot as well attend my ww meeting…but I didn’t save all the money I could this week. I went to Kohl's and found some upper under garments on the clearance rack. Steal of a deal-got 4 for the price of 1 3/4 … :o)

2. New month! How are you feeling with the end of the challenge coming up soon?

I’m a bit sad about it. It’s been a fun challenge and I’ve met a few new people. I like the structure of the challenge (although including the www icon and link back is sometimes hard) and it has helped me focus on what I want to accomplish in my life.

3. What would you change differently about this challenge for the Spring Fever Challenge beginning soon? Give me ideas here, goals (open number, specific number, less, more?), picture stays?, day of the week? another element? Questions stay or go? What type of questions would you like to be asked?

What I would change or like to see….well, I would like less goals. 10 was a bit to cumbersome and left me feeling like I was trying to accomplish too much in such a “short” amount of time (regardless of how many could overlap). I know it’s a weird number but maybe 6. And maybe say “set two goals in each of the following areas of life (professional, personal, community related, educational, family).” As for what type of questions—they’re pretty spot on as it is…

4. What have you learned about yourself during this challenge (or past few months)?

I’ve learned that “I can” rather then “Oh gosh no, never, I can’t!”. I’ve also learned that my fun, fearless personality is still in me. I’ve also learned that nothing is easy but that just because it isn’t easy doesn’t mean I can’t “roll with it” and learn to sway like a boat as the tide rolls.

5. Fun Question of the Week: Do you enter contests? Have you ever won one?

I have entered contests and have won a few. I won an awesome Jillian Michael's DVD prize pack (had pink wrist bands and water bottle included) and a Inspire towel from a other bloggers. I love to win things but don’t always like to take the time to follow do as the guidelines want for entries. My favorite contest winning was from the Bozo Show late 70’s (the bucket thing); to enter you sent them a post card with your name and I ended up winning a Bee Gee’s “greatest hits” album. I was soooooooooooo excited…felt like I’d won the lotto!!

There IS a light at the end of every tunnel-you just have to open  your eyes!

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