1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
I thought that each day I was actively working on achieving these goals I set but upon further evaluation I am at 60 % of actively working on my 10 goals. Some of the goals (like running a 5k and 10k) can't be completed until I have prepared my body appropriately but the others there is really no valid "excuse". There should be no reason as to why I am not drinking my water..and missing a ww meeting is not excusable. Yes I had planned on going on another day but there was no reason I couldn't go on my self designated night.
2. How are you feeling about the goals you set for yourself? Overwhelmed? Too easy? Just right?
I'm noticing today that I may have needed to be less "specific" on one or two goals but overall I'm satisfied with the goals I've set. They aren't overwhelming nor are they too easy. The goals I wonder about being too "specific" about are the ones involving "running 2 5k's and 1 10k". The good ole Midwest weather has struck and struck severely. We got 12 inches of snow Thursday and 3 yesterday. It's much too cold (and slippery) to be outside. I've considered hosting a "virtual" 5k or 10k but I'm not sure how well that would go over. And would I be disciplined enough to stay on the treadmill that long?
3. Do you prefer to exercise inside or outside?
I prefer to exercise outside. Being outside allows me to set a natural pace as well as see the "sights". I can be a prissy girl but I love me some trails!
4. Are you a self-starter or do you need a little push?
Hmmm...this is a loaded question; maybe. Mainly I am a self starter. I have no exercise partner (any one near STL need one?) and must rely on myself to get things moving. On occasion the hubs will say "Are you going for a walk today?" or "Today would be a great day to hit the trails!" but it isn't like he's going with...he just knows that I want to be more active and that's his way of showing his support (for being a skinny bean pole who doesn't have to exert so much effort to lose a few extra pounds!!). Anyhow, some days I do need a push but more than a verbal push.
5. Fun Question of the Week: Why did you decide to start a blog?
I started a blog for several reasons. I needed an outlet, I needed someone to talk to. Journals hadn't worked in the past because I could stop writing and eventually throw the book away so no one would ever accidentally see them thus holding me accountable (sure I can delete my blog BUT others have already read the words I've written and already commented). I needed to learn how to hold myself accountable for the life style changes I desired. I also needed to communicate with others who could "relate" and share their words of wisdom or encouragement. Blogging for me is cheaper than therapy and works much better too!!
I am not the only one with cabin fever...lil man wants to do this!!
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