Wanna Be Runner over at One Crazy Penguin was gracious enough to think of me after receiving her award.

For the Cherrie on Top Award I must:
1. Answer the question: If you had one chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?
I agree that everything happens for a reason but if I could go back and change something it would be my love for excercise (or lack there of). It is SO hard to change bad habits and learn to love something that you've avoided for so long. I really wish I would have applied myself years ago in P.E. and stuck with track.
2. Pick 6 people and give them this award. You then have to inform the person that they have been selected for the award.
I love the blogging world. I get to view others points of view from the comfort of my own surroundings (normally home) and converse with them without fear of (insert appropriate word because it alludes me at the moment). Basically, I feel a sense of belonging reading the various blogs I do. I feel real encouragement from you guys and on various levels. I feel like I can actually have an intellectual conversation without feeling insecure. I also feel like I CAN change my life and that I will be ok when I fall because someone out there in the blogging world understands my pain and will encourage me to get back up. These folks are amazing, smart, beautiful, passionate people. Thank you for sharing in my journey.
So, without further a-do, These are some of the awesome blogs that I love to read (the rest are on my side bar). Check them out!
1. The Gatsby Diaries
2. Endurance isn't only Physical
3. Diet of 51
4. My Jog Blog
5. Deb Shrinks
6. Believing it's Possible
3. You have to thank the person (people) who gave you the award...
Thanks again Wanna Be Runner (wish I knew your real first name/nickname!)...I truly enjoy reading your blog and seeing your journey. So here's to you...

Congrats on your Cherry Award, and thanks for passing it along! You are too kind.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great answer to the "what change" question. A love (or general ambivalence) toward exercise (versus DREAD) could have made my life so much different, too.
Have a fun weekend; enjoy the baseball game, and the hanging out with the in-laws, and the Shred!
Don't dread the shred!
Hey Tori!! Thanks for the award! I love it! (can I eat it too?) tee hee
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on changing my love for exercise. I wish I could go back and do that too! I love reading your blog!
You're very welcome :)
ReplyDeletePS - It's Tiina.....I really should put that somewhere on the website, shouldn't I?