Thursday, August 12, 2010

Still kickin...

I've been crazy busy. I like crazy busy but it's making me a lil crazy. Surprisingly I've not been eating crazy but sadly I've gained 3 pounds. Could be stress. Could be I didn't eat enough. Could be the lack of real exercise. Who really knows. Could be all three!!

On a good note, it was a lil cooler this evening. On a bad note, the mold count is still high causing headaches, drippy noses, and burning eyes.

Have a great weekend. I'm going to see Eat Pray Love tomorrow night (hopefully). I'm looking forward to it. I'll catch up on blogs Saturday. Hugs to you all!


  1. glad to hear from you. Get better out there with that mold count. smile.

  2. Oooohh.. I want to see that movie too! Enjoy!!

