Tuesday, June 15, 2010

years of photos...

I took tomorrow off to celebrate the hubby's birthday (he's working though! hee hee). On nights I don't have to work the next day I stay up late (usuallly-yes, I know this is a big no no but it's part of my youth I refuse to let go of right now). Tonight I was going through some disks with photos from years gone by and noticed a recurring theme. Many of these disks either had my lil FB or the St. Louis Cardinals. I also have a few of flowers, animals, and a 5k I did with some co-workers (in which I ran 1/2 of it).

Fredbird early 2008
hybiscus (sp) I planted our first summer here (mid 2008)

The "real" Fredbird at Winter Warm up 2009

Lil Fredbird Christmas of 2007

Fredbird Nov 2008 with his fave baby

I'm the second from the left...that was a great great day...such a wonderfully supportive group of runners...I miss them!!

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