I did very well today with my goals...I've already drank 115 oz of water, took my multivitimans/supplements, took my lunch (samlon patties no bun, hardboiled eggs, and homemade "salsa dip"), and wrote down the items I put into my mouth. I've just got to put more effort into the getting up early and 30 mins exercise (although I did break the exercise up into 15 min increments I want to do at least 30 mins at a time). I'm confident that as the week (and month, year, etc) progresses, my goals will fully be met. I'd also like to take this moment to thank all of you who stop by to read what I write...it's nice to have a sounding board.
Sam over at Believe in Yourself (www.believeinyourself1.blogspot.com or go to the right of my page for the proper link!!) awarded me with the

Thank you so much Sam...I'd love to properly link your page but I think my computer is too old to work with blogger correctly!!
So the rules of this award, give it to 7 people, and tell you 7 things about me you didn't know. I'm excited at the opportunity to tell you all a lil something different about me but please bare with me as I post my 7 folks--this computer is on it's last leg and doesn't always cooperate with me/blogger. For whatever reason it won't link within the post, so I will post some of the web-pages but for easy "clicking" look to the right of my page for their post links (in the "worth the read" section under followers).
1) Genie at Diet of 51. She is such a kindred spirit and I feel such a connection with her. I know that with her this journey is possible. She is inspiring to me with her open and honest personality. And knows how to pick herself up, dust off, and move forward.
2) Kat at Kat's Adventures in Dietland. Kat is very inspirational (get used the word folks..LOL...I LIKE IT!!) as well and often does reviews of items and lets blogger land know what she thinks of those items. Sure saves me some money!! :O) She has also helped with my journey and has been with my blogging journey since the beginning; Jan 2010.
3). Brandi at Awaken the Strength (http://georgebundlesfitness.blogspot.com/). I love reading Brandi's blog...I feel like it's my secret induldgence (NO I am not wierd). She seems so organized, so disciplined, family oriented...she is very inspiring. It's a very pleasant blog to read.
4) Runnin Southern at http://runninsouthern.blogspot.com/ Another wonderful blog very worth reading. I don't know too much about her but I love reading her blog. She is open about her training and goals.
5) Trisha at Butter Butt Chronicles (over the right but here is her link http://butterbuttchronicles.blogspot.com/) Funny gal, keeps it real (and in check)...she's new to blogger (at least new to me!!) and definetly worth the read for inspiration and smiles!
6) Jen at Setting You Free (http://settingufree.blogspot.com/). Very uplifting, inspirational, and an awesome cheerleader. She won the Gazette Healthy Challenge 2009 and blogs about it and her journey to a healthier life style.
7) Shelby's mom at Go Pug Yourself (http://winniewong.typepad.com/shelby/). This blog is NOT weight loss related BUT so much fun to read (when she posts). I am a dog lover and a pug owner. They have such wonderful personalities!!
Ok, seven (7) things you don't know about me and probably wouldn't know unless asked:
1) I met my husband via online. Long story short, I used to send Christmas cards to "Any Soldier". In 2001 that was canceled due to the Anthrax threat...so someone created websites for each branch for folks like myself to write them a Christmas message. He responded to my post and the rest is as they say, History!
2) My mom died of uterus cancer 1 week after my 25th birthday. She was diagnosed 2 months before that...it was quicker than anything I had ever seen or felt. It was extremely hard and still a challenge. I'm actually surprised I survived. But I'll be fine...really.
3) I love reality tv. I know it's stupid and a waste of time. But I love it. It takes me to a happy place! My fave is Big Brother and Amazing Race.
4) I have a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and got it for myself, not to advance myself career wise. I had gotten my Bachelor's degree because I was told years ago how much I needed it. During that process I found that it really wasn't "all that". If I get a promotion because I have my degree's yay for me but I really got my Master's to prove that I could do it FOR ME, that I was smart enough, and that a lil elbow grease NEVER hurt anyone. Getting my Master's has brought me alive and encouraged me to really reach for the sky for personal growth.
5) I am a total geek and that ain't no lie!! I'm very awkward in social environments but I am working on it. I get really nervous around others and the devil on my shoulder is really quick to tell me about my downfalls.
6) I love adventure and flying by the seat of my pants. I love traveling and running loose like a kid. My husband is not any of those things!! :O)
7) At 18 I moved from a town of 4000 people to the the suburbs of Chicago with 2 people I barely knew. What a learning experience that was!!
Have a great week everyone. I look forard to reading all of your blogs. I thank you for your inspiration and motivation. If I did not mention you as one of my 7, I apologize; it isn't personal and I'll get you all the next go round!
I might get to be first!
ReplyDeleteTori, thank you, thank you! I really needed a boost this morning. You don't know how much you inspire me! Doing the half-marathon!! And planning to do more! Are you SERIOUS? That is so awesome!!!
Reading your seven items, you are so much more courageous than I'll ever be! OK, the thing about loving reality TV is not courageous, but it's courageous to admit to it! I love reality TV, too! I'm way too chicken to admit that my favorite is .......
Great job of working toward your weekly goals! You will get to where you want to be because you are very self-motivated as evidenced by earning your Master's Degree. The sky is the limit, indeed!
That is so sad about your mom. Nobody is ready to lose their mom at such a young age. I know she's with you every day in spirit, helping you to succeed. Is she proud, or what? WOW!
Thanks, again, you made my day, and I really appreciate it! Big hugs!
You have the Sunshine Award on my blog come get it!
ReplyDeleteAww, I love "how we met" stories, especially military ones! Congratulations on your awards and your progress thus far! :o)
"I love traveling and running loose like a kid" Most things that end in "like a kid" are a good thing. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteTori - how awesome! I'm so glad to find your blog. I hope to be able to do the same thing! My hubby and I are on a weight loss journey. Check out our blog at:
Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration!