Monday, March 15, 2010

Piss poor planning on my part does not constitute an ER on my body's part!

Holy cow!! It’s pretty safe to say I’m crabby as all get out. I feel like a vulture waiting for their prey…ready to strike at a moments notice from out of NO WHERE! Thankfully I can think before I speak; not an easy task but it has gotten easier as I’ve aged. And I’m not quite sure why I’m so crabby considering it isn’t THAT time of month (although I am having a hard time focusing and I’ve been “craving” chocolate). I know I didn’t sleep real well last night but that’s really nothing new. Oh well….I’ll just keep to myself until “it’s all better.”

Re-cap of last week (Mon to Sun). I got to the gym 3 of the 5 week days; nothing on Sat/Sun. My food intake during the week was great considering it was all planned out. Sat/Sun I was on the road so eating was not planned. Only thing good I can say about my food choices for Sat/Sun is that I ate in moderation. The high point of the week was when I jogged for ¾ of a mile WITH OUT stopping. Low point was lack of adequate sleep Sat/Sun. Moral of the week is: planning is everything!

So let me plan ahead for the week and see how that goes. My goals for this week lean towards exercise; I have less than four weeks until my first ½ marathon and I am only up to 8 miles at once. M-F lunches will be spent in the gym. M-W-F I will bike for 45 minutes with minimum of 16 miles to be done. The other 15 minutes in the gym are up in the air (for W-F). I haven’t decided fully what T-Th will be but I do know I want to do a minimum of 10 minutes on the elliptical and jogging on the treadmill (my goal is to work up to 3 miles jogging w/out stop; I just don’t know how long it will take me to get there). 3 of the 5 nights during the work week will be spent walking/biking the neighborhood. Saturday is going to be my “day of rest” and Sunday I will do 11.15 miles walking.

I will tweak this “chart” as I go along. Eventually I would like to get myself up to 30 mins on the elliptical and rest on treadmill. Also, once I am done with the ½ marathon I will be walking outside a few days a week (gotta get my vitamin D). I was able to get and keep myself at the gym today and logged 16.2 miles in the 45 mins.

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