Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Learning to be a morning jogger

Ok…so I got up this morning at 530 am to walk the dog then go to the Y. Although I am a night person by nature, I don’t mind getting up at the but crack of dawn if I have something useful to do…matter of fact I welcome the “something useful” because for whatever reason, getting up at the but crack of dawn makes me feel alive and productive. Majority of this feeling lasts all day…90 % of the time anyhow.

So anyway, I get up this morning, did my thang and out the door I went to get to the Y at 6. During that first half hour of wakefulness, I am grumbling. My legs don’t “feel right”. They don’t feel “energized” for mobility. Walking is cool but much faster than a 4 mph pace and I’m toast. Yes, I know that’s slow. I’m working on it. So, I don’t feel like jogging even though I know I need to because my legs don’t “feel right”; so I walk. Because I am trying something new I don’t have my iPod with me for motivation. I’m attempting allow my mind, soul (whatever) to motivate me- to “think” instead. Except my brain was “silent” this morning, which is truly a first for me. My brain is ALWAYS on; something is always going through it, never a dull moment. A seasoned runner recommended the 5 hour shots (you know, the energy thing) right when I wake up but those things are expensive. AND I’m really not sure about that…will it be a temporary fix until I can get myself “trained” to run without hesitation or will it muck with my “natural awareness feeling” I’ve been lucky enough to experience getting up early? How long will that take to get the excuses out of my system and the energy to my legs? What ever is a girl like me to do? Runners-are you there? This is important to me. I can do it. I just need guidance. Do I continue to get up early to go to the Y, when my legs aren’t “warm” but the timing is right AND gets me warmed up for the day or sleep in, feel like crap most of the day, then do my jogging/running in the late afternoon, taking time away from the hubs and pup? And no, don’t suggest still getting up early but moving the work outs to the afternoon…it’s one or the other!!! I thought about “upgrading” my membership to a fitness center pass but I’m not sure I can justify the $20 a month increase when there are other alternatives available (like the walk/jog/run track, the swimming pool, the street) for less.

You know…I think I’m just being a whiner. Maybe I just need to suck it up and do it? Maybe I just need to suck it up and run around my neighborhood? It isn’t THAT cold outside…no one else has been up that early and driving on the streets but me! Besides spring will be here soon enough when it will be warmer and lighter out earlier.

Monday, February 21, 2011

WWW-Week Eight {February 21, 2011}

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals? Got my head out of my rear-end to start. Last Tuesdays weigh in was a bee-hive and nearly sent me into a tizzie (ok it did but the tizzie only last about 10 hrs). But after my ww meeting on Tuesday night on Wed, Thurs and Sat I ran/jogged...2 miles each on the week day and 8.93 on Saturday. I've been drinking as much water as possible, often skipping diet sodas to get water in. I've also (for the most part) kept my mouth shut when someone has said something rude, incensitive, or just plain ignorant to me. And it's been hard because it must be that TOM because I'm super snippy inside...I'm gonna start handing out signs soon!!!
Pretty much everywhere this past week experienced some mild weather – did this change have any effect on you? Yes. To be honest, the weather is pissing me off. GET WARM ALREADY!! was soo sooo nice on Saturday; I wish everyday were like Saturday. I can't stand the rollar coaster ride the weather is giving us...not only does it wreck havoc on my sinuses/allergies but my mood is swinging just as quickly.

Walk us through your ideal workout. My ideal work out, plain and simple, would be a 3 mile run out on the trails. period. Nothing else. RUN not WALK. RUNNNNNNN. I've worked up to a mile and a half without I'm almost there!!

What happened in the last week that you have to brag about? I ran walked 8.93 miles in 2 hours. My fastest mile was the first one at 10 mins...the rest averaged at 13 mins. I did this with the help of my new running bud/unoffical coach Kristie. Thank you Kristie!!!

Fun Question of the Week: Spring Fever has hit the stores… what’s your favorite thing to shop for in the Spring? Wedges. I LOVE WEDGES. I got some on clearence this week (you did notice earlier that I did not put down that I worked on the "spend less save more" right!? cuz I didn't). I used to like shopping for capries but I've put a cubosh on buying pants for a while. Yes, I can save some money some days.
And now, for the picture of the week....
The Washington Monument. When I saw the Washington Monument for the first time in person last summer I thought: beautiful, powerful, and unwavering. Three words I'd love to consider myself.

Friday, February 18, 2011

a week in review...

I thought I would drop by and have a chat.  I've been super busy lately and have had very little time to write. I miss writing! This last week was a bit rough at first..I had to eat crow.  You see, I weighed in on Tuesday and lost .2 lbs.  I needed .4 to hit 30 lbs lost. I was upset despite my always saying "as long as its a loss I'll be happy!" I "couldn't" understand why there wasn't  a bigger loss..I had been "working out" this week.  Well ya I'd been working out but I also ate a few items I shouldn't have and got too close to breaking even on the points. I never went over my points but I always like to have a "cushion" in case I miss calculated points. At the meeting that night, the "support ball" (ww name tags wadded together) was offered out and it was suggested "maybe someone who needs to lose .2". I shrugged and said sure. She wasn't meaning it in a mean way. She wasn't trying to put me on the spot. She did ask where I planned on storing it (she always asked) and that's when I started to tear up. All day I had been feeling like "you are always so close but never there. You always put in some effort but not all of your effort. Partial effort get partial results."

I stayed after and talked with my leader. I felt much better afterwards. I may always be a day late and a dollar short but I always show up! And I continued to jog/walk this week and will continue to do so (I've jog/walked Sun, Mon, Weds, Thurs, and I'm going out tomorrow for 6) because it isn't always about the scale. Sometimes it's about how my body feels, how my clothes fit, how my attitude is improving! So it was a good week after all!

Monday, February 14, 2011

week seven WWW

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals? This is a bit of a catch 22. I CAN say that any money spent this week was due to necessity rather than desire/joy/fill an empty spot. One of my goals is to “spend less, save more” and another “Jog 3 miles in 35 minutes (or less)”. Sometimes you can’t do one without investing with the other. This week I purchased a basic membership at the local YMCA. This membership will allow me to use an indoor track, pool, and gym (basketball type gym). The membership also lets me participate in work out classes at a discount.

What goal are you doing best on? Try to talk about the goals you still have left, address whether you’ve completed some, but focus on ones you still have to complete. I honestly don’t think that I am working more on one specific goal than another. Yes, some goals have fallen to the side (3x5 cards for 10 restaurants w/3 meals each place, running a 5k/10k) but most do intertwine with each other. I can’t run faster or longer if I don’t lose some more weight so I have to learn to control splurge eating by going to weight watchers meetings. I can’t run a 5k/10k all the way if I don’t dedicate time to running 3 miles at one time. And I can’t pay for weight watchers/gym memberships if I don’t cut out “splurge spending” (which is what I should have called the “spend less/save more”).

What goal do you have to push yourself a little more to complete? What is your plan to do so? The jogging/running 3 miles under 35 minutes or less is the goal that I really am having to push myself to do. I’m not sure what the plan of action really is. I did get the YMCA membership and the new shoes (which are divine by the way-doesn’t even feel like I’ve got shoes on when jogging). There is a YMCA run club that I’m thinking of joining but they try to do 4 miles in one hour or less. I can run/jog 1 mile in 14 mins…so technically I could do it but who suffers (me or the other real runners)?

We’ve talked about who pushes us to do better with our goals – is there anyone/thing that hinders you? Talk about a kick in the go-nads. I realized the answer to this on Thursday when I met up with someone at the gym. She had me aim for a mile non stop (since the furthest I’d previously gone was ¾ mile). I did the mile in 14 minutes 8 seconds. And the realization was that I AM WHO HINDERS ME. I can accomplish so much, do so much more, but I hold back.

Fun Question of the Week: Happy Valentine’s Day! Do you have any special plans for the day? It’s okay if you think it’s a Hallmark holiday that you wish to boycott! No special plans at this household. I mailed a card to the hubs (yes he lives in the same household but I wanted him to get something other than junk mail). We’ll probably just have dinner and continue to enjoy each others company!!
And for the picture of the week...It's been seen before but I need the reminder!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Found running coach/buddy

I'm pretty excited about this week. I lost two more pounds and may have found a running buddy/coach.  As you all know I am looking for some mojo. I don't know what's holding me back but I need to figure it out (and quickly). As a last ditch before attempting to scrape for funds to acquire a personal trainer, I placed a free ad on an online forum for a running coach/running buddy. Due to work schedules and such I wasn't asking for much: just someone to meet up with now and then who didn't mind a slow poke like me. The weather is about to turn for the good and I'm ready. Someone from the area responded. She seems cool (and has a personal trainer cert) so time will tell. Sometimes though working a typical M-F job hinders meet ups but we'll see. Maybe at the very least I will learn to hold myself accountable because I know she'll be looking (we've become facebook buds).

Oh, and I got some new running shoes. They feel much better than my old ones. I'm taking them for a test run Saturday...on the trails! supposed to be in the 50's this weekend!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week Six WWW (is it really week 6?? yikers)

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals? I can't believe it's week six already of this challenge!! My time flies when you're having fun! :O) I seem to have been working more on the financial goals this week than I have the exercising goals. Not a great plan but at least I'm working on something right! I've been able to save myself some money this week, watching the budget as they say and reminding myself of the end result. What is the end result you ask? The end result is to have less credit card bills and a larger nest egg. And to eventually get a new car! :O) Anyhow, I've also watched my tongue (thought before I spoke) but I still need a lot of work on this...or at least the not caring what someone else is saying, not feeling like I've got to defend myself and just doing my own thing. My water intake is still going pretty good (although on the weekends there is still room for improvement) and I'm still participating in weight watchers.

New month! Fresh starts! How are you feeling in February? February came in like a lion...the weather has been incredible (incredibly cold and wet)! I'd be lying if I said that I feel great about February. I don't seem to have the "umpf" I need in the exercise department. I want to be one of those people who loves to work out, who enjoys getting on the treadmill, who looks for ways to be active. But in all honesty I am not. I don't know if I ever will be one of those. I don't know if I will ever be one of those who has come to the understanding/appreciation for such activities. But the truth is I NEED TO FIND THE APPRECIATION AND GET MY ASS MOVING (excuse my french!) because I for one do not have a high metabolism! And I'm getting older. And staying slim takes more than watching what I eat. (or so I'm told). So please, SEND HELP SOON!!

Are you competitive? Do you find that seeing how well {or not so well} others do pushes you? As amazing as it sounds, I'm pretty competitive. If I know that I'm literally and figuratively speaking going to compete against someone else I will work my ass (opps sorry-excuse the french) off to win. If I see someone else accomplish great things (whom I didn't know could accomplish said great things) it motivates me. I think that secretly I'm still in high school and that's were I get this "oh no you didn't..I can do it too and probably better". As much as I'm embarrassed to admit, I want to be bragged about amongst the "cool kids".

What is your favourite outdoor winter activity? {Southerners can answer winter if they visit the snow, or just what you like to do outside}. Can we say "Pansy". I don't have a favorite winter activity unless it involves winter LEAVING!! I'm soooooooooo over snow. and sleet. and ice. I just want some sun. Warm sun. Not hot sun. Warm sun.

Fun Question of the Week: What would be your ideal way to spend a Saturday night? I'll keep this clean in case someone younger than 18 is reading my blog (ha ha ha). My ideal Saturday night would at the local hockey stadium, watching some good hockey from a few rows in. I'd get to eat my popcorn, drink some diet soda, and scream my lungs out for the home team. I'd even let my husband come if he's good!
And the photo of the week will be....

This photo is from June 2007. It was my first experience with running since High School; which was about 18 + years before. I had been working my legs before/after work (1 mile each) and doing the stairs (12 flights) during lunch for quite some time. I decided I wanted to participate in the work sponsored Special Olympics Torch Run and thought I could "hang". It would only be 3 miles and I wouldn't be carrying the torch. What I didn't take into consideration is that the others participating were in very very good shape (not only did their jobs require them to be in great shape, THEY LIKED BEING IN GREAT SHAPE), many who ran daily. About 3/4 a mile in I was winded and snuck into support vehicle behind us. Once they realized what happened they got me out of the car. They weren't mean about it, they just knew I could do it. I know I held them up and slowed them down. But they were so encouraging and wouldn't let me slack (aka ride in the support vehicle). As we approached the finish, those who are up ahead circled back and we all finished at the same time. I miss those folks...I wish I had the faith in me that they did that day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

jogging/running shoe question

I'm not very educated on running/jogging shoes. I'm going to be in the market for new ones very soon. The shoes I have (bought mid year 2010) were recommended to me by the running store here in St. Louis.  At the time of that purchase my problem areas with the feet were blisters on toes. But I have an issue with the shoe; is that it feels "big and clumpy". My normal shoe size is 8 1/2 reg, the shoes recommended are 9 wide.

I understand that due to feet swelling you should go up in size BUT is "big and clumpy" normal?  my arch area feels like it's swimming and the last 1/2 marathon I got a huge blister on both  arches. The arch area feels better now that I've taken the "recommended" shoe inserts out (and put the ones they came with back in) but they still seem too loose for me.

Any recommendation? Should I continue with current shoe brand/style (just new ones) and just double up on socks? I'm not a die hard runner but want to watch out for my feet...they've got to last me a while! thanks

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

27.6 lbs lost and 9 months later

Ok...I've seen it done before so I figured I'd give it a whirl. Some moments of weight loss you feel "ahhh, I'm doing it!" other moments not so much. I feel better, I act better, and sometimes I feel like the changes should be seen.  And slowly but surely I'm getting there. The changes are "subtle" but I can see them and that's really matters (right!!?? :O)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A day late and a dollar short!! Week five WWW

1) This week hasn't been too productive on the WWW goal front. I've had a constant headache and no amount of OTC meds have worked. Just sleep. I did manage to get outside and walk before the weather returned to crap. Keeping my mouth shut has been a task and a half (at work) and I think I did ok. Other than that I've not openly worked towards my goals.

2) Despite the lack of work towards my goals last week I would say that January has been a success. My spirits have been high and sometimes that is half the battle. I've taken baby steps towards my goals and hope that the heavens bless me with more positive motivation.

3) Honestly I'm not AS motivated as I was at the beginning of the month. It's ok though because I've not completely petered out. The weather is attempting to hold me down (mentally) but I can't and won't let that dictate the outcome. I have about 87 days until my next "official" 5k and 1/2 marathon and will be quite embarrassed (some high school friends will be participating as well) if I don't show up mentally as well as physically.

4) God is who/what inspires me to keep going. With Gods help I've come so far, done so much and will continue to do wonderful things (maybe even someday do great things). I mean no disrespect to my bloggin buddies who routinely read my words and lend their support-They are ALL very inspiring. And I'm not saying that family and friends have not helped me-they are all awesome folks. BUT the only person who can truly keep me going and keeps me grounded is God. Most of the world could care less if I make positive life style changes to become a healthier individual. Some people actually loved me exactly how I was when I started this blog. But I knew God wanted a better person and so these life style changes are for me, about me. Their about me being a better person and healthier role model for others.

5) This is my fave question! Fun Question of the Week: What is the first thing you think of/do in the morning? Most mornings the first thing I think of is "umm, so warm and cozy! my lil man (FB) snuggled close, sharing body heat-what a pity I've got to get up and go to work!!" I love to sleep...I love being warm and cozy...I feel so safe in that lil cocoon!

So, my picture of the week will be of my lil man...snug as a bug in a rug!!