and I listened. And I ate. And I didn't feel guilty. BUT I did get on the treadmill and jog 2 miles...very slowly BUT I did it...I jogged!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It Wasn't Looking Good....
Got woke up at 3 am by the dog; who wanted to play. Moved to the couch where we promptly fell back to sleep. Then at 6 am we went for our morning walk. It was a bit chilly but what the pug wants the pug gets and he wanted to "frolic in the snow dusting". Anyhow, before getting on the highway and heading for work I needed to stop for gas. Instead of paying at the pump (and avoiding temptation) I opted to go inside the store because "I can be responsible" and I REALLY needed some coffee. And that's when it happened. The voice I've heard many times before, the voice I hear on my way to the coffee pot, beckoning me to make a purchase that wasn't on my list.

and I listened. And I ate. And I didn't feel guilty. BUT I did get on the treadmill and jog 2 miles...very slowly BUT I did it...I jogged!
and I listened. And I ate. And I didn't feel guilty. BUT I did get on the treadmill and jog 2 miles...very slowly BUT I did it...I jogged!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Wow...what a morning!

I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I got off my rear end this weekend morning and went for a walk/jog (mostly walking) by myself, no one there to hold my hand. I feel awesome and energized now. I had to take my car in for oil change and opted to walk back (the long way) rather than (then?) have the hubby come get me. I had mapped a route out last night but half way through the walk I realized that I could not get to the second walking path because there was no "on ramp". Walks are often more enjoyable when you don't see the same scenery over and over again so I was a little disappointed. As it turns out it wasn't a big deal, only about 1/2 mile was a "do over". Oh yeah, the walk was 4 miles (according to the map I created on I did it in 1 hour and 11 mins. My pedometer (an Omron) said I took 9055 steps but that it amounted to 2.86 miles. WTF!! This confuses me AND may disappoint me if the pedometer is correct. But who do I believe; the map I created on Sparkpeople or the pedometer? If the pedometer is not correct, then why did I buy it? Normally I have always felt comfortable with my pedometer being accurate but I don't know now, especially since after my walks this past week, the pedometer has differed from mapquest. To add to my confusion, many websites state that the average walking mile is 2000 steps.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Well...I really can't complain...

Yesterday my walking partner was in a poopy mood (and I do mean POOPY) and hesitant to walk. Thankfully she is much like me and didn't need much persuading to strike out on our 3.5 mile venture. That day, we shaved 30 secs off our time. Today I was the one in a poopy mood but very very thankful for our walk. I knew it would be my only time to "detox" my brain. So we walked our 3.5 mile route and shaved yet another 30 seconds off our time. I was stoked. I'm still stoked and very thankful for our walks. And I pray that they don't end...even after our 1/2 marathon. I never realized just how important it was for ME to have a health/work out buddy. We feed off each other and in a positive manner. If she needs a little push, I push. If I need a push, she pushes. If we need to vent about the fact that we are being "so disciplined", eating well, working out but not losing anything substantial we can. And after the venting we talk through what may be holding us up and what we need to do to work through it. So no, I can't complain at all; I've got it good!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wow...someone other than me has read my blog!!!
Does this mean that these "someones" are my accountability buddies? That would be very cool because sometimes I have to be reminded where the path is. And why I'm on that path. And that the pain of being on this path is not in vain. Since I've started on my journey I gained two pounds and then lost them. I'm glad to be back where I started and it's all down hill from here.
Tuesday of last week my pal Sherrie and I walked 3 miles during lunch and did it in 45 mins (approx 15 mins per mile). Then Thursday we did 3.5 in a 1 hr time frame, which puts us at approx. 17 mins per mile. The first "training" session was a bit painful in certain areas (different areas for each of us) which is why we were slower the 2nd time. My target areas of pain were the shins and heel. I knew I needed new running shoes (the ones I have are about a year old and have been worn 5 to 7 days a week-as an incentive for me not to stay sitting at my desk all day). The other pain, which I have been prone to in years past while getting in shape, inspired me to purchase some shin "thingies". They are made to "compress" the shin area....they seem to be working wonders because the pain has subsided. Normally my shin pain subsides weeks after getting in shape but I wanted some "insurance" for healing.
On the other days (Weds, Friday, Sat) I walked 1 mile 2x a day and took the stairs at work often. Yesterday and today I haven't done much in extra exercise because I worked Cardinal Care Winter Warm-up which required me to stand on my feet for 6 plus hours, often in one spot. I have a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps (with an average of 9000) and am aiming to blow the pedometer up (with info) in the next few months. Yesterday my pedometer barely broke 7000 steps and today I am only at 8400--2400 of which walking the dog!! I guess I am not doing so bad but I look forward to this week and seeing what kind of numbers I make. Sherrie and I plan on doing our 3.5 mile course all week, walking at a steady pace at first and working up a faster pace. Our goal is to work our "miles" to 13 or 14 minute miles AND to increase the distance as the race gets closer. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not nervous. BUT this marathon is do-able and we will survive!!
Tuesday of last week my pal Sherrie and I walked 3 miles during lunch and did it in 45 mins (approx 15 mins per mile). Then Thursday we did 3.5 in a 1 hr time frame, which puts us at approx. 17 mins per mile. The first "training" session was a bit painful in certain areas (different areas for each of us) which is why we were slower the 2nd time. My target areas of pain were the shins and heel. I knew I needed new running shoes (the ones I have are about a year old and have been worn 5 to 7 days a week-as an incentive for me not to stay sitting at my desk all day). The other pain, which I have been prone to in years past while getting in shape, inspired me to purchase some shin "thingies". They are made to "compress" the shin area....they seem to be working wonders because the pain has subsided. Normally my shin pain subsides weeks after getting in shape but I wanted some "insurance" for healing.
On the other days (Weds, Friday, Sat) I walked 1 mile 2x a day and took the stairs at work often. Yesterday and today I haven't done much in extra exercise because I worked Cardinal Care Winter Warm-up which required me to stand on my feet for 6 plus hours, often in one spot. I have a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps (with an average of 9000) and am aiming to blow the pedometer up (with info) in the next few months. Yesterday my pedometer barely broke 7000 steps and today I am only at 8400--2400 of which walking the dog!! I guess I am not doing so bad but I look forward to this week and seeing what kind of numbers I make. Sherrie and I plan on doing our 3.5 mile course all week, walking at a steady pace at first and working up a faster pace. Our goal is to work our "miles" to 13 or 14 minute miles AND to increase the distance as the race gets closer. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not nervous. BUT this marathon is do-able and we will survive!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
OK...I did it...and I have no regrets...
Well I did it. And I didn't even really think about it before I said yes. It had been a fleeting thoughts months back but I've gone and done it. I have signed up for a 1/2 marathon. 13.2 fun filled miles with thousands of others I don't know. Thankfully I will know 2 of the other marathoners (one of which is my best pal who I encouraged to join me--we're like Lucy and Ethel). Anyhow, the marathon is on April 11th; 86 days from now. I've printed off a training scheudule for us, purchased some shin "thingies" (to help compress the legs/calves and avoid shin splints which I am prone too), and have ordered some new running shoes. We've been walking for months, now we just have to work ourselves up to a jog. I'm super stoked about this goal and look forward to the challenge.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Another sad, weird realization...
I'm sitting here "surfing the blogs" and have read quite a few cool pages relating to fashion and make up....two things I love "a ton" but haven't invested much time and energy following; at least not in the last 8 years. Anyhow I've come to a sad realization that some of my anger towards "fashion" is the fact that I can't wear it. The clothing made for "healthy", "fluffy", "over weight" people have a sad tendency to look like something omar the tent maker has made. Plain muted colors, a few flower patterns, and the occasional loud color (went to Lany Bryant today and was overly disappointed-slim pickens as far as selection).
The skinny clothes of today are so much more fun then the clothes of yester-year. Years ago (i.e. 80's and early 90's) many of the fashion trends were versitle and didn't neccessarily soley rest on ones weight to pull the look off. Big sweaters, rolled pants, puffy hair, blue eye shadow, and dark eyeliner to name a few. The only thing that was not "good" for healthy kids were tight jeans....I can't wait to be back in skinny clothes!!
The skinny clothes of today are so much more fun then the clothes of yester-year. Years ago (i.e. 80's and early 90's) many of the fashion trends were versitle and didn't neccessarily soley rest on ones weight to pull the look off. Big sweaters, rolled pants, puffy hair, blue eye shadow, and dark eyeliner to name a few. The only thing that was not "good" for healthy kids were tight jeans....I can't wait to be back in skinny clothes!!
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